Online Personal Training


Experience our expert level of personal training from the comfort of your home anywhere in the world. Our educated trainers can create a workout tailored to your body and goals using whatever equipment you have on hand at home. You’ll be amazed at their creativity and their ability to focus on all the small details through a screen. Sessions can be 30 or 60 minutes long. During these sessions, your trainer can offer Cardiovascular Training, Resistance Training, Pilates, Boxing, and all the other in-house offerings. To get started, email us by clicking on the contact page.

Live Online Group Exercise Classes

Join one of our group exercise classes via Zoom. Classes are $10/hour. To sign up, please email us at least 1 hour before the start of class to receive the Zoom link and complete payment.

Class Descriptions

Chair Strength & Mobility - This class is designed to improve your strength while increasing mobility, all from the comfort of a chair. No need to get down on the ground. Exercises are performed either seated in the chair or standing with the option of holding on for assistance. This class also focuses heavily on improving balance and fall preparation/prevention. Our instructor Michelle has taught this class for over ten years. This class is a good fit for those with movement disorders such as Parkinson’s or MS, as well as those recovering from hip or knee surgery, older adults looking to stay fit, or those just getting started with exercise.

A.I.M. Strength Training - This class follows our AIM principles by first assessing what your body is currently capable of, then your instructor will guide you on appropriate ways to challenge and improve your strength. While this is a group class format, exercises can be modified for each individual person. Ready to push hard today? Your instructor can ramp it up! Knee feeling a bit cranky today? Your instructor can modify for you. This class feels like personal training but at a fraction of the cost! In this 45 minute class, you’ll perform strength exercises from head to toe using bands, weights, a mat, a chair, and a towel. This class is for all ages and ability levels.

Mat Pilates is a 55 minute class designed to strength the core, improve posture, and challenge the mind. You’ll perform exercises to strength and stretch the abdominals, back muscles, glutes, and hips while focusing on breathing and body awareness. Our instructor Michelle has been teaching Pilates for over 15 years and blends classical exercises with variations using props, exercises to improve balance for fall prevention, and increase cognition.

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March 2025 Online Zoom Class Schedule

On Demand Classes

Now Available!

Want to workout with the AIM team members but on your own time? Click the link below to select and purchase classes such as:

  • Mat Pilates

  • Boxing for those with Movement Disorders

  • Chair Strength & Mobility

  • Balance Classes

  • and many more!